Edit by Maggot:
Please post only FAQs here! For discussions use "English FAQ Discussion".
Thanks to everybody who creates FAQs and who translates them, especially to huteusz who began with it.
Translated by me FAQ.
If you have any corrections, please post.
I will translate more articles soon.
How to update phone?
The process of update is described in this article, this instruction is suitable for E71 and EL71. In short: You need any cable (DCA-100, 140, 110), Installed driver for the cable (depending on the model of cable) and also the update file, which you can download in our download section.
Answered by DOMINATOR
How to connect phone with computer?
You need an data cable (DCA-140, DCA-100, DCA-110) or Bluetooth, and also programs to connection with telephone with. For example SiMOCo, MPM. Which you can find in our catalog of files.
Where i can download from driver for my Datacable?
In our catalog of files.
answered by DOMINATOR
Where to download from SiMoCo, MPM?
In our catalog of files!
answered by DOMINATOR
What cable is necessary for software update?
For update you will need any cable (DCA-140, DCA-110, DCA-100).
What are "patches", and what they are for?
Patches are small parts of the firmware of phone. With their help is possible to change Firmware code, and modify some functions of phone. Example of patches "Don't show startup assistant"
What i will need for patching?
You will need cable DCA-110 or DCA-110. This cable is also necessary to enter Bootkey into phone.
What this Bootkey and what it can be used for?
Bootkey is a kind of password, which is necessary to access to flash memory of phone. After entering bootkey, it will be possible to patch phone, and do any operations with memory of phone.
Where i can take from bootkey for e71?
For now there are 2 ways to take a bootkey. It's possible to make an Testpoint, or to purchase bootkey from m@rtin. The first method requires dissasembling of phone and closing circuits. You can easily spoil the phone. But in case of e71 Testpoint is easier to do, than in other phones. The easier method is to buy bootkey. You can find some informations about this on website and forum.
Where i can take from bootkey for el71?
If the phone has a factory firmware version 41 or higher, look at the point about bootkey for e71. If the firmware was less than 41, it is possible to calculate and enter the bootkey using Papua-Utils.
Why the internet settings dissappear after reloading?
You need to remove patch Turning off assistant with the start of phone, and no longer use it.
But if you haven't appliec this patch, and the settings are erased, you have probably pressed
Reload in menu of red button. Probably you have applied bad version of patch "Reload instead of
Keylock in red button menu". You should uncomment the line
; 066B30E: 1FD1 0028; forced “Of assistant” at of startup of that of were of not of erased of
tuning of the of internet (just remove the semicolon). You can just copy this line into V-Klay
and then press "Apply Patch"
Another version: You can also use a patch "Always do Startup Assistant”.
answered by Kvadro
How to make, that an application won't ask every time for Internet/filesystem access?
If you have got bootkey, you can sign midlet, after creating certificate. You can create it
with help of program Smelter, which you will find in our catalog of files.
Here is the instruction:
Part I. Creation of certificate and import of it, to phone.
You need Windows 2000, or above.
Set on the computer and telephone real date and time.
Copy from phone file config/policy/manufacturer.spb.
Then use Tools -> Midlet Signer to create the certificate.
Enter the name of the created certificate
Open in phone explorer file config/policy/manufacturer.spb
Copy the file .der (search for it in the subdirectory of Midletsigner in Smelter folder)
Copy the actualised file manufacturer.sbp into the telephone into the folder Of config/policy
Now the phone will use our certificate like normal certificate
Part II. Signing of midlets
You can set all permissiond for midlet, by turning on and off options in menu "Tools -> Midlet
Tools - [Podpisyvatel] of [midletov] - to sign midlet
Select your midlet
Select the previously created certificate (two catalogs higher than the certificatemust be its
.key file)
Copy them midlet into the telephone.
Signed midlets NEED file JAD! If you haven't jad file, search for JadGen or Jad Maker. Also the
elf MidletSigner can do the job!
answered by: sim_emrom
Is it possible to turn off light-emitting diode or to disconnect it on E/EL71?
It is possible to turn off the winking of the diode during the screensaver “saving of energy”,
but only using a patch, which you will find in the base of Patches (Don't blink SLI in energysave screensaver).
It answered: Blind007
When I use JIMM on e71, i have got lot of errors 118 120 etc. What to do?
Try to configure Jimm to use the proxy server. In the setting select option Proxy, and write there following data:
the type of proxy: SOCKS5
the address of proxy: in.icqproxy.org
the port of proxy: 1080
login of proxy: guest
the password of proxy: guest
P.S. if with proxy not works, it means server has problems, so you will have to search for another analogous.
It answered: Vitalik76
How to activate dictaphone during the conversation?
We set an option Dictaphone for an hotkey (for example an digital key). When we will call somebody, hold the hotkey, and press OK sometimes.
rusc60: It is easier to set up a hotkey on side of joystick. It will be faster.
It answered: PaulS
How to transfer games and applications via Bluetooth?
To do this, we go into My Files, then select Options and Search. We select "type of file" - Appliation and we press Start. We will see jar and jad files. We select the file and press green button, and then option Via Bluetooth. That's it!
anwsered by: PaulS
What i need to change the graphic design of the phone?
It's possible to install new theme, just copy it into memory, and run from card-explorer.
If you want to replace file icons, battery icons, you need to have cable, bootkey. After entering bootkey, you should install patch Elfpack in version 2 or higher. We have then to create on MMCard folder Zbin, and inside it folder IMG, and we place there files, that will replace original graphics. If you will made the graphics by yourself, remember that they must be numbered like in the FW. You can check the numbers using program Smelter.
To instal patches you need cable DCA100 or DCA110!!
Where it is possible to look the fundamental characteristics Of e71?
Where it is possible to look fundamental characteristics EL71?
Is it possible to look TV at E71?
It is possible. For this you should introduce bootkey and apply an patch ENABLE RTSP, which you will find in our base of Patches.
My T9 has disappeared! What to do?
You will definitely find answer here.
What is maximum size of the memory card in E/El71?
2gb - but not every card works!. 1gb cards works always, but the 2gb in the matter of case.
How to set up ICQ client on phone?
Check Catalog of Articles
How to set GPRS Internet on the telephone?
Check Catalog of Articles
I bought cable dca-110. When i connect to the phone, and type *#06#, in the accesories i have name dca-100 or dca-510 (depending on the model of phone, firmawre, and cable). What to do?
It must be! Benq-Siemens officialy didn't let out cables like dca-110. Dca-110 is unofficial name created by the analogy. Example: Dca540 -> dca 140, HHS 550-> HHS 150. The number 5 was changed to 1.
It answered: sotaland
How to install to the telephone java- game/application?
This is simple, but it needs place in the phone memory (not card!). Just copy the jar file into folder Games or Applications, and then Run!
What are changing themes?
The themes changes colors of fonts, headline, animation of start, background of Mainscreen, background of menu, background of popups, options etc, and ringtones. Themes don't changes icons of menu and standard icons of phone.
It answered: DOMINATOR
How to start Java- programs from microSD using hotkey?
We copy java into any folder on Microsd. We have to remember the catalog structure. We go using SieFM to disk 0:/data/system/java/MMCard, then we create the folders as in the microSD. We leave SieFM, we set up and hotkey. That's it!PS. With the help of catalog 0:\System\Java we can tune a little bit png icons of application, without editing game, remove some settings, or to reset java application.
Also there is an old program, JavaLauncher. With help of it, we can run any java from microSD. It's good when we haven't possiblity to do patching.
It answered: FlyVERz
I copied the music through CardReader. After this, the telephone began to be turned off with the work with the MicroSD. I removed microSD - all works normally. What's going on?
In the name of files it is not possible to use some symbols. For example, comma. It will be
impossible to copy such files by cable with the aid of SiMoCo, but if they nevertheless fall
into the telephone, then with the attempt to visit into the folder with them and (that more
frequent and more important) with the renovation of the base of data Of MediaPlayer telephone
simply will be turned off with the error.
Answered by sim_emrom
I want to put into my phone large volume of files - tens, and hundreds of Megabytes of the information. How to make this process faster, and more convenient? There are three different methods to do that.
1. Using the cable (it is necessary to install driver, for cable dca-100 the driver isn't needed). You can copy file using Mobile Phone Manager, Simoco, or VSFE.
Cable dca-140 - speed 128kb/s - 100mb will copy in 15 minutes
Cable dca-100/110 - speed 8kb/s - 100 mb will copy for 3 and half hours.
2. Through the BT-adapter for computer. You need to install driver for bluetooth. You can use program BlueSoleil, it someimes is on cd's included to the adapter.
Speed: 40-60 kb/s. 100mb will copy around 30-40 minutes.
3. with the help of card-reader for the MicroSD cards - this is the most convenient method of copying the large volumes of the data: the speed - 4-10 Mbyte(s)/s. 100 mb. of data will copy in 30 seconds. Inconvenience: it is necessary to turn off telephone and to take out the battery, under which is arranged the slot for MicroSD.
answered by Astor
I often change sim card, but therefore the cover of telephone rapidly has stirred and it moves from the side to the side. How to fix it?
This is traditional for the last siemens (for example, for [S]75): The solution is to place under the cover paper/the second sim card or to stick it with tape (optimal version).
answered by PaulS
I have blocked Phonecode! What to do?
The procedure of the solution of this problem is in written in clearly way in our Catalog of Articles.
answered by DOMINATOR
How to use the built-in instant messenger?
All about this service is written in "Catalog of articles". You can learn there how to
register, connect and setup the messenger. Also there are given the basic advantages and
I have KPK and I want to use E71/El71 as the modem for it. How to do this?
The detailed procedure on the use of a telephone as the modem for KPK it is written here.
How to check the version of the firmware of telephone and the date of production?
You should write on the keyboard *#06# .In order to see the date of production and version FW,
it's necessary to move joystick right.
What are the cons of having a "grey" phone?
On gray phones, operators make such signs of presence like operator brands on the housing (T -
Mobile, vodaphone, and others), absence on the keyboard of Russian symbols, the absence of the
guarantee of producer. Instruction is always prepared with primitive method on the knee.
It answered: DOMINATOR
How to check the IMEI of phone?
Enter *#06# on Mainscreen, and read.
It answered: DOMINATOR
How to make reset to default settings?
Turn off telephone, take out sim-card, and enter code *#9999#
It answered: DOMIANTOR
Are there any interesting codes for telephone like *#06#?
Yes, there are for an example *#05#
Generally some codes are given on our website and forum
It answered: DOMINATOR
How to make my e/el71 more loud?
Use patch “mega-loudness”. It's easy to find it in our patch database.
You can also cut a little bit bigger hole in your phone, around the speaker, but it needs
disassembling of the phone, and can be not safe!
Is it possible to save the data, transferred to me through bluetooth, immediately to
There are two versions:
1. It is possible using packet of three patches, which you can find in our database of patches.
Minus - low speed of transmission of data.
2. it is possible to do this without the patches and to use the Java-Application. Minus - it
isn't possible to work with all BT devices.
It answered: DOMINATOR
How to remove date and time from the main screen to e71?
Go to main menu, press Options, then Search. Find option "Show Time", and press joystick.
That's all!
It answered: St1m, Vitalik76, faster method by Huteusz
Why do not works NatICQ, SieJC, Weather and other internet elfs?
You need to have turned on elf GPRSD.
answered by; sim_emrom
How to replace icons od "My Files" and Menu, and what i will need to do this?
Replacement of icons of the main menu:
1. Unpack off archive.
2. Go to config:/japp/flexmenu/ on phone (Bootkey must be entered). Copy the contents of
archive into this folder. It's good to have backup of the contents that are before replacing!
3. Reload the phone, and look at your new menu icons!
Replacement of “my files” icons:
1) Download the archive of icons.
2) Copy the contents of archive into Config/default/mystuff. If the directory is absent, you
can create it. Also it is good to have copy of it's contents. Of course, bootkey must be
3) Reload the phone and use your new menu “my files”.
*- sometimes in Mystuff.xml there is set only russian language. You will have to edit the
mystuff.xml for your own language, because the icons can don't show after restart. Just change
language "ru", to "en", "de", "fr", etc, and then translate folder names - Huteusz.
It answered: DOMINATOR
Why after the installation of Elfpack, i cannot turn on the phone?
You need also to install patch "Functions Library"
answered by Leha
How to format disk 0: (data) without using of computer - directly from phone?
You have to remove sim card, turn on phone, and when "Insert SIM-Card" will appear on display, write *#9337#.
answered by Leha