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sim_emromДата: Четверг, 25.09.2008, 13:30 | Сообщение # 1
Имя: Сергей
С нами с: 04.05.2007
Сообщений: 1756
Награды: 41
Модель телефона: Realme 8 Pro
Статус: Offline
All about MySMSYS © BingK :)

Remember: you always need to have up-to-date library to use MSS ;)

Сообщение отредактировано sim_emrom - Вторник, 24.03.2009, 22:16
SimaFishДата: Пятница, 24.10.2008, 23:08 | Сообщение # 101
Имя: Андрей
С нами с: 23.10.2008
Сообщений: 20
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: A31v5, CXV70v50, S75v52
Статус: Offline
Yeah! Now it works well, thanks.

Please, can you give me your swilib.h, becouse i can't compile MySMSYS by myself...

In "/SieELF/MySMSYS/Patches" there are some patch files - for what purpose they made? And how can i make the same patch for S75sw52?

CXV70v50 + patches, A31v5, A55->C55v24, А70v32
S75v52 + ElfPack v2.3, MPv14 + patches, HHB-700, 1Gb RS-MMC
ASUS M50Sa 2.5Ghz, 4Gb RAM, 1Gb VRAM, 500Gb, Blu-Ray

Сообщение отредактировано SimaFish - Пятница, 24.10.2008, 23:14
sim_emromДата: Пятница, 24.10.2008, 23:47 | Сообщение # 102
Имя: Сергей
С нами с: 04.05.2007
Сообщений: 1756
Награды: 41
Модель телефона: Realme 8 Pro
Статус: Offline
BingK, answering :)
Quote (BingK)
really? it works well on my S7Cv47.
Ok, I found it well in Inbox :( but some sms in Sent are somehow without date-time dontknow Browser shows it normally.
Quote (BingK)
that maybe blinker's work.
What if I say PLEASE? :'(
You said yourself, that
Quote (BingK)
if you have apply the Browser Killer, blinker.elf couldn't get the count of new sms. and a better way to get the count of new sms is: SmsDataRoot()->cnt_in_new_sms_dat;

Quote (BingK)
i have tried that, still impossible.
That's a pity.
Quote (BingK)
change "const char LGP_CHAR_COUNT[]="";" in language.c.
Will try when compile next release :)

Also noticed, that if Popup New SMS is disabled, when GUI is opened and at this moment new sms is coming, InNew or Inbox won't be updated (won't show new sms in any category) until you restart GUI.

funMarkusДата: Пятница, 24.10.2008, 23:49 | Сообщение # 103
Имя: funMarkus
С нами с: 24.05.2007
Сообщений: 57
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: el71
Статус: Offline
Lots of users have noticed that after first receiving of the message the sound and vibration disappears when another sms is received! It is really annoying and should be fixed asap! i miss many important sms because of this stuff! Solve the problem, please! thanks a lot! (EL71)
sim_emromДата: Суббота, 25.10.2008, 00:31 | Сообщение # 104
Имя: Сергей
С нами с: 04.05.2007
Сообщений: 1756
Награды: 41
Модель телефона: Realme 8 Pro
Статус: Offline
Quote (SimaFish)
Please, can you give me your swilib.h, becouse i can't compile MySMSYS by myself...
Try that link
You can also see whole folder for need-files: http://sieelf.googlecode.com/svn/SieELF/inc/

My Russian translation for language.c:

const char LGP_OK[]="OK";
const char LGP_BACK[]="Назад";
const char LGP_ADRBK[]="Адр.книга";
const char LGP_ERR[]="Ошибка!";
const char LGP_SELECT[]="Выбор";
const char LGP_QUIT[]="Выход";
const char LGP_NEW[]="Создать SMS";
const char LGP_IN_R[]="Вход.прочит.";
const char LGP_IN_N[]="Вход.новые";
const char LGP_IN_A[]="Входящие";
const char LGP_OUT[]="Отправлено";
const char LGP_DRAFT[]="Черновики";
const char LGP_ALL[]="Все сообщения";
const char LGP_OPTIONS[]="Опции";
const char LGP_ERR_0NUM[]="Нет номера !";
const char LGP_EXIT[]="Выйти";

const char LGP_CANCEL[]="Отмена";
const char LGP_SEND[]="Отправить";
const char LGP_DEL[]="Удалить";
const char LGP_SAVE_AS_FILE[]="Сохранить в файл";

const char LGP_SAVE_AS_DRAFT[]="Сохранить в черновики";

const char LGP_INSERT_ADRNUM[]="Добавить из адр.книги";
const char LGP_INSERT_BLANKNUM[]="Доб.пустой номер";
const char LGP_CHAR_COUNT[]="";

const char STR_VIEW[]="Смотреть";
const char STR_EDIT[]="Изменить";
const char STR_REPLY[]="Ответить";

const char STR_NEW_MSG[]="Новое сообщение!";
const char STR_FROM[]="От";
const char LGP_SAVEALL[]="Сохр.всё в файлы";
const char LGP_CONFIG_UPDATE[]="MySMSYS Config Updated!";
const char STR_UNK_NUM[]="Неизвестный номер";
const char STR_NUMBER[]="Номер";
const char STR_TEXT[]="Текст";
const char STR_TO[]="Кому";
const char STR_TIME[]="Время";
const char STR_UNK[]="Неизвестно";
const char LGP_CONFIG[]="Настройки";
const char LGP_SAVE_ALL_ONE[]="Экспорт всего в единый txt";
const char LGP_PLS_INPUT_PATH[]="Введите путь к файлу:";
const char LGP_OTHERS[]="Дополнительно";
const char STR_UNK_NUM_UTF8[]="Неизвестный номер";
const char STR_NUMBER_UTF8[]="Номер";
const char STR_TEXT_UTF8[]="Текст";
const char STR_TO_UTF8[]="Кому";
const char STR_FROM_UTF8[]="От";
const char STR_TIME_UTF8[]="Время";
const char STR_UNK_UTF8[]="Неизвестно";
const char LGP_FILE_FAILED[]="Сбой обработки файла!";
const char LGP_FILE_EXIST[]="Файл существует!";
const char LGP_EXPORT_TXT[]="Экспорт в txt-файл";
const char LGP_MOVE_ARCHIVE[]="Переместить в Архив";
const char LGP_MOVE_ALL_MSS[]="Переместить все mss в Архив";
const char LGP_OPEN_ARCHIVE[]="Открыть Архив";
const char STR_EXPORT_N[]="%d sms экспортировано!";
const char STR_MOVE_MSSARCHIVER_N[]="%d mss перемещено в Архив!";
const char LGP_DEL_ALL_MSS[]="Удалить все mss-файлы?";
const char LGP_ABOUT[]="О программе...";
const char LGP_COV_DAT_TXT[]="Конв.SMS.dat в txt";
const char LGP_SAVE_ALL_AS_FILE[]="Сохранить все sms в файлы";
const char STR_SAF_N[]="%d sms обработано!";
const char LGP_DEL_ALL[]="Удалить всё?";
const char LGP_DEL_ALL_MSG[]="Удалить все сообщения";
const char LGP_MOVE_ALL[]="Переместить всё в Архив";
const char LGP_DEL_ALL_MSG_MSS[]="Удалить все mss";
const char LGP_SAVE[]="Сохранить";
const char LGP_MSG_REPORT[]="Отчёт о доставке";
const char LGP_MSG_REVEICED[]="Сообщение доставлено";
const char LGP_UNK_RP_STATUS[]="SMS-отчёт: Неизвестный статус";
const char LGP_TEMPLATE[]="Шаблоны";
const char LGP_CALL_ADDRESSBOOK[]="Вызвать Адр.книгу";
BingKДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 05:39 | Сообщение # 105
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
to SimaFish
the pathes in "/SieELF/MySMSYS/Patches", could replace the whole SMS system of the phone:
shortcut and native menu entry: inbox,sent,draft,archive,create new sms.
create new sms: call records, addressbook, note/tasks/appointments, idle dial.
and view/reply/forward in device inbox.

and increase the count of mss file to the count of the message menu in native menu.

the new 1.9.2 version.
1.more own dialog CSM name.
2.fix, if notify is turn off, refresh the sms data.
3.continue to fix, if there is any new sms.
4.enable to insert all data of addressbook.
5.force to allow only one notify pop-up window.
6.if there is any other programm(such as simoco) did some change to the sms.dat, refresh sms data at once.

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !
BingKДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 06:06 | Сообщение # 106
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
this blinker maybe work well if you have applied the browser killer.
Вложения: blinker_elka.elf (5.1 Kb) · blinker_nsg.elf (5.1 Kb)

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !

Сообщение отредактировано BingK - Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 06:08
sim_emromДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 10:00 | Сообщение # 107
Имя: Сергей
С нами с: 04.05.2007
Сообщений: 1756
Награды: 41
Модель телефона: Realme 8 Pro
Статус: Offline
Statistics shows wrong sms quantity because of 2-sized or more-sized ems.
This Blinker doesn't support SLI :(

Thanks much for AddressBook add-info support thumb_up

What about translit for Rus Release only?
Like from SMSman:


typedef struct{
  char *r, *e;

trstruct tr_r[]=
  {"А","A"}, {"а","a"},
  {"Б","B"}, {"б","b"},
  {"В","V"}, {"в","v"},
  {"Г","G"}, {"г","g"},
  {"Д","D"}, {"д","d"},
  {"Е","E"}, {"е","e"},
  {"Ё","E"}, {"ё","e"},
  {"Ж","J"}, {"ж","j"},
  {"З","Z"}, {"з","z"},
  {"И","I"}, {"и","i"},
  {"Й","Y"}, {"й","y"},
  {"К","K"}, {"к","k"},
  {"Л","L"}, {"л","l"},
  {"М","M"}, {"м","m"},
  {"Н","N"}, {"н","n"},
  {"О","O"}, {"о","o"},
  {"П","P"}, {"п","p"},
  {"Р","R"}, {"р","r"},
  {"С","S"}, {"с","s"},
  {"Т","T"}, {"т","t"},
  {"У","U"}, {"у","u"},
  {"Ф","F"}, {"ф","f"},
  {"Х","H"}, {"х","h"},
  {"Ц","C"}, {"ц","c"},
  {"Ч","Ch"}, {"ч","ch"},
  {"Ш","Sh"}, {"ш","sh"},
  {"Щ","W"}, {"щ","w"},
  {"Ъ","-"}, {"ъ","-"},
  {"Ы","Y"}, {"ы","y"},
  {"Ь","'"}, {"ь","'"},
  {"Э","E"}, {"э","e"},
  {"Ю","Yu"}, {"ю","yu"},
  {"Я","Ya"}, {"я","ya"}

WSHDR *translit(WSHDR *ws0)
  if(!wstrlen(ws0)) return ws0;
//  if(is7bit(ws0)) return ws0;
//  WSHDR *tws=AllocWS(wstrlen(ws0)*2);
  char *txt=malloc(wstrlen(ws0)*2);
  zeromem(txt, wstrlen(ws0)*2);
  for(int i=0; i<wstrlen(ws0); i++)
   char c=char16to8(ws0->wsbody[i+1])&0xff;
//   char t=1;
   for(int j=0; j<66; j++)
     strcat(txt, tr_r[j].e);
   if(c) txt[strlen(txt)]=c;
//  ShowMSG(1,(int)txt);
  WSHDR *tws=AllocWS(strlen(txt));
  return tws;

int add_translit(void *edsms_gui)
  WSHDR *ws0=translit(ec.pWS);//=AllocWS(ec.maxlen*2);
//  wstrcat(ws0,wstxt);
  return 1;
Вложения: MSS192_el_en.elf (49.7 Kb) · MSS192_el_ru.elf (49.8 Kb) · MSS192_nsg_en.elf (49.7 Kb) · MSS192_nsg_ru.elf (49.7 Kb)
BingKДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 10:53 | Сообщение # 108
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
in 1.86:
- templates for new sms: put txt-files (ANSI-coded) in MySMSYS\Text\Template folder

no, it should be WIN1251-coded.

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !
sim_emromДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 11:24 | Сообщение # 109
Имя: Сергей
С нами с: 04.05.2007
Сообщений: 1756
Награды: 41
Модель телефона: Realme 8 Pro
Статус: Offline
Quote (BingK)
it should be WIN1251-coded
Our default code WIN1251 is the same what I mean as ANSI...
ANSI for us is non-DOS (so, Windows) russian version of ASCII :) I think, it's compatible))


BingKДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 11:58 | Сообщение # 110
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
a test version:
1.fix, pop-up window auto close, and lots of notify pop-up window could be open at the same time again.
2.translit for Rus.

i did the translit like this, i do not know if that is right. the translit will be done before the sms sent.


typedef struct
   char *r;
   char *e;

const trstruct tr_r[]=
  {"\xC0","A"}, {"\xE0","a"},
  {"\xC1","B"}, {"\xE1","b"},
  {"\xC2","V"}, {"\xE2","v"},
  {"\xC3","G"}, {"\xE3","g"},
  {"\xC4","D"}, {"\xE4","d"},
  {"\xC5","E"}, {"\xE5","e"},
  {"\xA8","Yo"}, {"\xB8","yo"},
  {"\xC6","J"}, {"\xE6","j"},
  {"\xC7","Z"}, {"\xE7","z"},
  {"\xC8","I"}, {"\xE8","i"},
  {"\xC9","Y"}, {"\xE9","y"},
  {"\xCA","K"}, {"\xEA","k"},
  {"\xCB","L"}, {"\xEB","l"},
  {"\xCC","M"}, {"\xEC","m"},
  {"\xCD","N"}, {"\xED","n"},
  {"\xCE","O"}, {"\xEE","o"},
  {"\xCF","P"}, {"\xEF","p"},
  {"\xD0","R"}, {"\xF0","r"},
  {"\xD1","S"}, {"\xF1","s"},
  {"\xD2","T"}, {"\xF2","t"},
  {"\xD3","U"}, {"\xF3","u"},
  {"\xD4","F"}, {"\xF4","f"},
  {"\xD5","H"}, {"\xF5","h"},
  {"\xD6","C"}, {"\xF6","c"},
  {"\xD7","Ch"}, {"\xF7","ch"},
  {"\xD8","Sh"}, {"\xF8","sh"},
  {"\xD9","Sch"}, {"\xF9","sch"},
  {"\xDA","\""}, {"\xFA","\""},
  {"\xDB","Y"}, {"\xFB","Y"},
  {"\xDC","'"}, {"\xFC","'"},
  {"\xDD","E"}, {"\xFD","e"},
  {"\xDE","Yu"}, {"\xFE","yu"},
  {"\xDF","Ya"}, {"\xFF","ya"},

WSHDR *translit(WSHDR *ws0)
   int wlen, i, c, c1;
   const trstruct *p;
   char *txt;
   WSHDR *tws;
   extern int char16to8(int c);
   if(!ws0 || !(wlen=ws0->wsbody[0])) return 0;
   zeromem(txt, wlen*2);
   for(i=0; i<wlen; i++)
     while((p->r) && (p->e))
       if(c1==c) strcat(txt, p->e);
     if(p->r) continue;
     else txt[strlen(txt)]=c;
   return (tws);
Вложения: Mss_elka.elf (64.6 Kb) · Mss_nsg.elf (64.5 Kb)

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !
huteuszДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 16:03 | Сообщение # 111
Имя: Mateusz
С нами с: 18.01.2008
Сообщений: 490
Награды: 3
Модель телефона: e71v45 / cxt70v56
Статус: Offline
BingK, can you add translit to polish?

ą - a
ć - c
ę - e
ó - o
ł - l
ń - n
ś - s
ż - z
ź - z


:( siemens is dead
FaustMaxДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 16:05 | Сообщение # 112
Имя: alex
С нами с: 27.10.2008
Сообщений: 20
Награды: 1
Модель телефона: S75SW52/EL71SW45
Статус: Offline
there is request-wish to do during dispatch SMS animation as this is made for instance on Samsung or draw near to original and when striking the dispatch to get on IDLE and remove иконку in iconbar
windesДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 16:11 | Сообщение # 113
Имя: Dmitry
С нами с: 27.10.2008
Сообщений: 27
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75v47
Статус: Offline
Hey BingK! :-) VERY much bingk thanks for your work! ;) Mss-client is amazing!

So, some speeches..

Show only nickname (Name for show in adr.book) or/and Name and Surname, by option, not that all simultaneously.. )
There is a disire of united nations, for somewhat lang.txt, for personal naming elf-menu items and so on.
Critical! Show a number of segments of sms, when u type or view a message! We have very expensive sms on some net-providers.. :(
Add a sms-counter. Show a number of incoming/outgoing sms (by fact) and a number of incoming/outgoing segments of them.

Bugs.. )
Big sms (more then 1 segment) from saved archive mss-file make turn-off phone! (opened via ExtD with Mss_main.elf)
Sometimes a numbers of phones in incoming sms shows wrong. Fantastic numbers ^^
Why we need to see a sms number (internal in sms.dat)? It's have no information for us, users..
Elf don't show an ends of long sms (but in phone they shown good, full). Sometimes an end of sms (last segment), sometimes, vice versa, only first segment is shown, all following - not.
A delivery reports are not shown!
There are no delivery reports, if sms was sended via elf. If we send via phone - they comes (to phone only).

Does all incoming sms automatically move to elf's system or only after opening elf? I mean, for example, we enter to sms-chat, sleep at night, :] , sms comes to phone like waterfall, at morning we open elf - and all sms are there, a sms phone memory dosen't full, yep?

Выводить только псевдоним (Имя отображения) или/и Имя и Фамилию, а не все сразу.
Хотелось бы нечто вроде lаng.txt, чтобы назвать пункты меню эльфа самому.
Уже писал, но чтобы все было в одном месте - выводить число сегментов sms при написании, просмотре sms.
Добавить счетчик sms. Не по сегментам, как в некоторых телефонах, а по факту количества принятых/отправленных sms.

Большая sms из архива при открытии мсс вылетает по пику
Иногда неправильно отображает номера, вообще левые.
Зачем нам нужен номер sms?.. Никакой информации не несет.
Не отображает концы длинных сообщений (хотя в телефоне они отображаются). Иногда просто конец (последний сегмент), иногда наоборот - первый сегмент отображается, все последующие - нет.
Не отображаются вообще статусы доставки!
Не приходят статусы доставки, если отправить sms через эльф. Через телефон - приходят.

Все Входящие sms из памяти телефона перемещаются в эльф автоматически или только после открытия эльфа? То есть, например, оставляем на ночь телефон, там сыпятся smsки. открываем утром эльф - все sms там, память телефона не заполнена, пуста. так?

gl 2 us..
SimaFishДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 16:41 | Сообщение # 114
Имя: Андрей
С нами с: 23.10.2008
Сообщений: 20
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: A31v5, CXV70v50, S75v52
Статус: Offline
2 BingK: last version works well, thanks. Can you create option to add icons on menu's chapters? It would be very nice, please.

CXV70v50 + patches, A31v5, A55->C55v24, А70v32
S75v52 + ElfPack v2.3, MPv14 + patches, HHB-700, 1Gb RS-MMC
ASUS M50Sa 2.5Ghz, 4Gb RAM, 1Gb VRAM, 500Gb, Blu-Ray

Сообщение отредактировано SimaFish - Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 16:42
BingKДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 16:59 | Сообщение # 115
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
to huteusz
what about these Polish characters in uicode(HEX)?

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !
BingKДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 17:50 | Сообщение # 116
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
to windes
open mss-file via MssLinker.elf or MySMSYS.elf.

the sms will be auto saved as file(if enable in MySMSYS.bcfg) when you view it.

about the delivery reports, we can't get the "MSG_EMS_INCOMING" message when it coming, and it wouldn't be saved in sms.dat if you haven't applied to Browser-Killer or it is turn off.

strangely, all the ems could be read well on my S7Cv47.

about a sms-counter, i think it is useless, sometime we send sms via Simoco or the Browser, it is not correctly.

using a lang.txt file, that will be done in the future version.

MssLinker.elf :http://e71.ru/_fr/13/8969714.elf

Вложения: 8969714.elf (1.1 Kb)

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !

Сообщение отредактировано BingK - Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 17:51
windesДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 19:06 | Сообщение # 117
Имя: Dmitry
С нами с: 27.10.2008
Сообщений: 27
Награды: 0
Модель телефона: S75v47
Статус: Offline
Still turn-off after open mss file with MssLinker.. or MySMSYS.elf..

Yea, sometimes we use Simoco, but some people never send sms via it :] And if we send sms via Browser - may be elf can "catch" it too and ++ the counter? )
And, despite on it, if only "elf" sms will be countable - not bad too :-)

Oh,i see situation with send-reports.. I usually use mail-client in phone too, cant kill Browser.. Eh.

Thanks! Hope other wishes and bug-reports and question was heard..

gl 2 us..
huteuszДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 20:10 | Сообщение # 118
Имя: Mateusz
С нами с: 18.01.2008
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Модель телефона: e71v45 / cxt70v56
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Quote (BingK)
to huteusz
what about these Polish characters in uicode(HEX)?

Tell me how to check it, and i will say you :)

:( siemens is dead
SimaFishДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 20:30 | Сообщение # 119
Имя: Андрей
С нами с: 23.10.2008
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2 BingK: what about icons on menu's chapters? Answer please)

CXV70v50 + patches, A31v5, A55->C55v24, А70v32
S75v52 + ElfPack v2.3, MPv14 + patches, HHB-700, 1Gb RS-MMC
ASUS M50Sa 2.5Ghz, 4Gb RAM, 1Gb VRAM, 500Gb, Blu-Ray
windesДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 20:46 | Сообщение # 120
Имя: Dmitry
С нами с: 27.10.2008
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In addition to my first bug-report, concering to not showing a last or first sms-parts, i send my 0:\System\SMS folder, may be it will be helpful to you, BingK!

I have 2 sms in it. First is recieved from smscenter not fully (too long), second was truncated by smsc on 2 sms. First part of it (a beginning) was shown in Mss, second part was shown on phone. After reload, kill MssD and so on, they still not shown.. Strange.. Usual sms's on first sight.. )

Great, you did the number-item selection in main menu of elf! :-) Would you make also in "Others" choice items by number-presses?
And some language correction to item "Statistics" :)

All SMS: xx
x in SMS.dat
Inbox: x
Sent: x
Draft: x
Free: xx
xx in mss files
Inbox: xx
Sent: x
Draft: x
xxxx Kb free on 4:

(*1) - count it, taking into account a 165-sms free patch, so, if we have it, just minus a sms count in SMS.dat from it.
(*2) 4: is a disk, where a folder with Mss situated.
And if possible, let all lines of statistics will be in one line on screen? There is a large place on small or default font on screen ;)

Вложения: SMS.zip (3.3 Kb)

gl 2 us..
sim_emromДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 20:59 | Сообщение # 121
Имя: Сергей
С нами с: 04.05.2007
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Quote (windes)
Show only nickname (Name for show in adr.book) or/and Name and Surname, by option, not that all simultaneously.. )
This depends on Native AddressBook, so forget it B) IMHO.

Quote (windes)
There is a disire of united nations, for somewhat lang.txt, for personal naming elf-menu items and so on.
Format of lang.txt as in Ballet is f*ck*ng lame.

Quote (windes)
Show a number of segments of sms, when u type or view a message
Well, it was released in SMSman, but it's hard to explain...... }, for example, needs 2 symbols (1 rus sms with it can be only 69 symbols, not 70) So it won't be right ever (but SGOLD-phones knew this function fine).

Quote (windes)
Why we need to see a sms number (internal in sms.dat)? It's have no information for us, users..
I support it. It's better to show name. And for * we need more data on sms (num, date-time, sms or mss, number of segments if sms) ... That's not the main thing anyway.

Quote (windes)
Sometimes a numbers of phones in incoming sms shows wrong
Never saw.
Quote (windes)
Elf don't show an ends of long sms
etc... Never saw. If it is not so important or private, upload such mss-file here.

Quote (windes)
delivery reports
It isn't real still to use any elf to send sms with query of report and to get report if browser is enabled. To read report (when browser is disabled), I think, my "Compact SMS report" patch mustn't be installed.

Quote (windes)
Does all incoming sms automatically move to elf's system or only after opening elf? I mean, for example, we enter to sms-chat, sleep at night, :] , sms comes to phone like waterfall, at morning we open elf - and all sms are there, a sms phone memory dosen't full, yep?
Hmm. Elf doesn't have separate type of InNew MSS-files. But it's great idea.

BingK, what about automatically save incoming sms in MySMSYS\InNew folder in mss-format? By option in config of course ;)

Quote (BingK)
Make it as middle-button menu entry "Translit", please. See in SMSman for working example. I always get pikoff on sending russian sms (Data_Abort! A0543EC8).
If huteusz needs such function too, maybe it's better to use external translit tables from translit.txt like a structured file (\xC0=A) ?? Can you imagine something like this? %)

But firstly need to fix pikoff help

Quote (SimaFish)
add icons on menu's chapters
Support it. Interface with a good face :D

;) when I have typed half an sms I pressed Back (Exit) and all message text had gone :) Need I explain why? :)

BenluxДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 23:25 | Сообщение # 122
Имя: Luki
С нами с: 11.09.2008
Сообщений: 38
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Модель телефона: EL71v45
Статус: Offline
2 BingK: Hi,please a have one bug, if a Recieve SMS with more than 160 WordCount, than in SMS i have unknown symbols ""é@o0%" on start of SMS and start of second SMS (when begining 161 wordcount), do u know, where is the problem?

Вложения: 8768658.png (47.8 Kb)

Сообщение отредактировано Benlux - Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 23:26
huteuszДата: Понедельник, 27.10.2008, 23:54 | Сообщение # 123
Имя: Mateusz
С нами с: 18.01.2008
Сообщений: 490
Награды: 3
Модель телефона: e71v45 / cxt70v56
Статус: Offline
Benlux - you are slovak / czech - yes ? :)

I have this problem with these unexpected signs in ALL sms-es. Do you know, why?

:( siemens is dead
BingKДата: Вторник, 28.10.2008, 03:05 | Сообщение # 124
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
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Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
to SimaFish
if i find a SetIconToHeader function, i would do that, but now it is too early to talk about that, you see, there are so many basic problems.

to huteusz
save these characters to a txt-file with UNICODE-coded, and upload it here.

ą - a   
ć - c   
ę - e   
ó - o   
ł - l   
ń - n   
ś - s   
ż - z   
ź - z

to Benlux
would you mind i have a look at your sms.dat?

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !

Сообщение отредактировано BingK - Вторник, 28.10.2008, 03:38
BingKДата: Вторник, 28.10.2008, 07:58 | Сообщение # 125
Имя: BingK
С нами с: 03.08.2008
Сообщений: 100
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Модель телефона: S75/S68/SK65
Статус: Offline
to windes
maybe your problem is caused by the 165-sms-patch.

it seems these two sms in your sms.dat are not completely received, so they are skipped. the elf read the sms depending on the function "SMS_DATA_ROOT *SmsDataRoot()".
the INDEX_ID_DATA of the second sms:

1D 90 9D A0 25 90 9D A0 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
97 00 0E 0A 94 10 9B A8

cnt_all: 0xE
cnt_received: 0xA

but i see it in simoco, it is completely received. and the first part of the first sms is not received.

and the maxlen of the text of the sms the elf supported is 512.

DCA- 510/540/110/140
I am From China !

Сообщение отредактировано BingK - Вторник, 28.10.2008, 08:28
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