Respect goes to:
Sim_emrom (Without him, no patching would be, idea to put it here) , ChesteR, Pooh, DJ_Shell, FunMarkus, parketmarke, FlyVERz (graphic), Жeнькa & Shur (my phone works!)
1. Theme .sdt
2. Menu Icons (zip)
3. MyStuff
4. Radiomidlet and patches PTC in attachement
5. ZBin
Basic patches you need: Elfloader, Master Patch v14, API, Functions Library 22.5, Nokia Stile Font © vIsaIDJ, popup settings in sms.
Some elements changed a bit, because i must do it from beginning (yesterday fullflash)
This icons constructed by FlyVERz.
[thanks, FlyVERz, i forgot about You
If i forgot any file, post an request here!!